Unakite | Stone Information, Healing Properties, Uses All Entries
Unakite is a metamorphic rock, a form of granite that has been altered by hydrothermal activity. It contains pink orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and clear to blue/gray quartz. This stone derives its name from the Unaka mountain range in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee where it was first discovered. Energetically, Unakite is a wonderful stone to aid healing and recovery from illness.
It helps the body to maintain a healthy weight and encourages growth of skin and hair. Unakite also treats the reproductive system. It helps women to have healthy pregnancies, and supports the growth of the fetus. This lovely pink and green stone resonates with the heart chakra, encouraging us in both loving ourselves as well as having compassion for others, and helping to heal any past wounds and traumas of the heart. Unakite is soothing to the emotions, relieves stress, aids peaceful sleep, and gently releases negative emotions, thoughts, energies, and addictions.
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